
Monthly Economic Letter: May 2021

May 13, 2021

All benchmark prices increased over the past month. Since early March, the July NY/ICE futures contract has risen from 78 to those above 90 cents/lb. In the latest trading, prices have been near 88 cents/lb.

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Monthly Economic Letter: April 2021

April 12, 2021

All benchmark prices decreased over the past month. The May NY/ICE futures contract fell from 88 to 78 cents/lb between early March and early April. In later trading, prices have rebounded to levels near 82 cents/lb.

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Monthly Economic Letter: March 2021

March 10, 2021

Most benchmark prices increased throughout February but decreased in early March. The May NY/ICE futures contract rose from values near 85 cents/lb one month ago to levels approaching 94 cents/lb on February 24.

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Monthly Economic Letter: February 2021

February 11, 2021

Most cotton benchmark prices increased over the past month. Trading activity has started to shift out of the Nearby March NY/ICE futures contract and into the May contract.

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Monthly Economic Letter: January 2021

January 13, 2021

Global cotton prices continued to rise over the past month. The NY March futures contract climbed from 74 cents/lb to 82 cents/lb.

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