Retail & Marketing
Seal of Cotton
Research on consumer appeal for the Seal of Cotton shows that consumers overwhelmingly prefer to purchase products labeled with the Seal of Cotton.
Cotton Home Textiles
When designing comfortable living spaces, research tells us that consumers love cotton. It’s soft, natural, breathable, and hypoallergenic.
Retail Math
The Retail Math for Profit guide is a valuable resource for apparel brands and retailers, offering a thorough understanding of essential retail math.
Retail Product Merchandising
Retail Product Merchandising (Section 1) covers merchandising components and the Buying-Selling Cycle.
Establishing the Retail Store Image: Six-Step Method
Establishing the Retail Store Image (Section 2, Part 1) covers elements that create a store's personality and attract customers.
Visual Merchandising
Visual Merchandising (Section 2, Part 3): Presentation by Color studies the importance of color in marketing/merchandising products.
Establishing the Retail Merchandise Mix
Retail Product Merchandising (Section 2): Establishing the Merchandise Mix addresses all of the components of the merchandise mix.