Quality Assurance: Stretch & Growth

Fabric Stretch

The next physical property of fabrics to be covered is that of “stretch.” But the attribute of fabric stretch has associated properties that are as important as the stretch characteristic itself.


Stretch is a physical property of fabrics, but the attribute of fabric stretch has associated properties that are as important as the stretch characteristic itself.




Stretch & Growth



Stretch & Growth: Knitted Fabrics


Stretch & Growth: Woven Fabrics


TERMS TO KNOW (click to flip)


The ability of a fabric to take in and hold liquid into the fiber, yarn or spaces between yarns in…

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Air Permeability

The rate of air flow passing through a known fabric area under a specified air pressure differential between the two…

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A state or situation in which a person is relaxed and does not have any physically unpleasant feelings caused by…

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Moisture Management

As related to moisture management testing, the engineered or inherent transport of aqueous liquid such as perspiration or water (relates…

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The ability of fabric to transport liquid through its structure to the opposite side or across the surface or its…

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Drying Time

In moisture management testing, the measured time it takes for a specified volume of liquid in a fabric to evaporate…

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