Basics of Home Textiles

August 8, 2024
New York, NY

This workshop will cover basic aspects of home-textile manufacturing and finishing, highlighting the production and construction of sheets and towels. Attendees will learn about the types and characteristics of fibers and blends used in home textiles, as well as current issues in the home-textile market and common home-textile marketing tactics.

The workshop will explore in more detail the production and construction of sheeting and towels, including yarn types, warp preparation, weaving principles, finishing, and factors affecting quality and performance. The presentations will use samples, animations, and video to enhance understanding.


Workshops are only available to eligible users. Log in or create an account to check your eligibility.

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Time Frame

  • 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. EST

Topics Covered

  • Impacts of Various Types of Yarns Used in Home Textiles
  • Traceability of Raw Materials and Fiber Content Labeling
  • Review of Fabric Constructions Commonly Used in Sheets and Towels
  • Discussion of Thread Counts (Does a higher thread count mean better quality?)
  • Finishing Effects to Achieve Performance and Aesthetic Properties (such as mercerization, sueding, napping, wrinkle-resistant finishes, enzyme treatment, and printing)
  • Review of Performance Technologies for Cotton Home Textiles

Why Attend

  • Learn about home-textile manufacturing, with an emphasis on sheets and towels.
  • Learn about processing and finishing cotton home textiles to achieve certain performance characteristics.
  • Understand current marketing issues in the home-textile market.
  • Receive first-class instruction from industry professionals.
  • Meet peers from other companies with similar responsibilities and interests.


  • This is an intermediate-level workshop offered only to home-textile retailers.
  • Knowledge of yarn manufacturing and spinning systems is required.
  • Knowledge of basic knitting and weaving processes is required.